Discover how to grow, heal, release, focus and move forward.
Discover how to grow, heal, and strengthen yourself amid adversity. Release, build, and move forward with practical solutions and the power of faith.
The fact that you're reading this means that you or someone you know is facing adversity and you've decided that your story isn't over. Congratulations, you are correct.
Is it possible to grow, heal, release and move forward through adversity? Yes! Adversity finds us sometimes, no matter where we are or what we do. It doesn't discrimminate. Tall, short, rich, poor, truly doesn't matter. You may be challenged by a co-worker that just won't ease up or financial issues that seem to forever be present . Perhaps it's that unexpected diagnosis has knocked the wind out of your sails. Which ever form adversity takes it is, nevertheless, adversity.
Here are a few basic symptoms of stress from adversity.
Inability to focus
Physically tense
How do we grow, heal, release and move forward amid adversity? Here are four tips.
Tip #1 - Draw from the source
Grow, heal & release
If we could handle everything life throws at us alone, we would never need help, but the truth is sometimes we do. At times we need encouragement. Sometimes we need healing and at other times we just need to know that we aren’t going through alone. The Bible and prayer is the greatest source of strength and love.
Life comes with its own unique set of challenges, but being rooted to the source of strength, Jesus Christ, is like laying a sound sturdy foundation beneath a house. You. Envision yourself as a house and the Word of God as being your foundation. The stronger your foundation, the stronger you are.
6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 4:6, NIV.
Set yourself up for success.
List the sources of adversity in your life.
Beside each adversity, list realistic, viable solutions.
Tip #2 - Focus
Set aside the emotions surrounding the situation no matter how difficult and tumultuous that may be. To take this step, you need to be clear-minded. Focus on the solutions, not just the problem. Do research. Reach beyond your scope if you don't have the answers. It's okay to not be self-sufficient right now. If you need emotional support, get it. If knowledge is what you need, find it. Be resourceful. We live in an era that has offers access to knowledge at our fingertips. Zoom-in on the solution not the problem.
25 "Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you." -Proverbs 4:25, KJV.
Schedule your time based upon your new priorities
Set a specific time of day for prayer & reading the Bible.
Set a specific time to work on resolving your issues.
Set a specific time that supports healthy living and eating for yourself.
Tip #3 - Move Forward
Lastly, breathe. You can have peace in the midst of the storm. Consciously make a decision to use the positive thinking and new tools you gained when negative thoughts try to step in. Although you are making these internal changes, the extrnal issues may not disappear immediately.
Moving forward doesn't mean that all problems or that the illness is resolved. It means that you are connected to the source of your strength and that connection runs deeper than the circumstances you face. Remember, worrying about things beyond your control can't and won't change anything. After you have done all that you can do, release the rest into the hand of God.
Set yourself up for success
Take a walk
Post supportive scriptures in your home that you can easily see.
Tip #4 - Stay Consistent
Create a feasible routine that you can stick to. Set aside time for your new system. Choose a devotion time that works for you. You can do this. You will make it. It may not be easy, but God has made you special and you have a God-given purpose. Pursue it. Focus and you will grow, heal, release the negative and move forward.
58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.-1 Corinthians 15:58, KJV
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Writing novels, the spin of the story, the grit of the plot truly ignites my imagination. However, using words to inspire, bring hope, healing and build faith is the true reason for my writing. -Cheers!
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